Cappuccino Brownie Cheesecake
Salam untuk semua.15 January adalah harijadi puteri sulung P.Ros.Dah besar-besar ni tak ada party yang gempak atau sewaktu dengannya.Pasal kek pula jangan la dibuat apa2 yang bericing atau berkrim. Nanti tak ada sapa yang nak menjamahnya.
Puteri sulung ni memang coffee lover.So haruslah kek harijadinya berperisa coffee. Cappuccino brownie cheesecake yang sedap ni dicopy paste dari blog Zarin dengan sedikit perubahan.
Untuk anak mama, thank you dear for being a good girl. My life will not be so easy without you around. And thank you for being a wonderful sister to Hana. May god bless you all your life.Mama love you very much.
Now the recipe from here .
Thank you Zarin from cherryonacake for the lovely recipe.
150 gm butter
125 gm dark semi sweet chocolate
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/4 cups sugar (P.Ros used 1 cup)
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup plain flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 tbsp instant coffee granules (P.Ros used 2 tablespoon cappuccino paste)
1/2 cup of walnuts, chopped (P.Ros used almond chop)
Over a double boiler of simmering water, melt the butter and chocolate. Once melted take it off the heat and add in the eggs, sugar and essence. Mix well. Add the flour, cocoa and coffee granules. Stir with a spatula and fold until just mixed and no flour remains visible. Add the walnuts. Mix them in. Pour into an 8 inch removable bottomed pan that has been buttered and floured. Bake in a pre-heated oven of 150 C for about 20 to 25 minutes or until the top is quite firm but not too firm.
Note : You will not need the whole batch of brownie mix. Leave about 1/2 to a cupful of mixture behind. You can bake the extra in cupcake cases later (P.Ros used the whole batch of brownie mix)
TIP : When the brownie bottom is done you will notice that the top would have puffed up a little making a very slight dome. Don't worry. Just take it out of the oven and let it cool so that it settles down and the surface will level itself ready for the cheese layer.
The Cheesecake : (P.Ros made only 1/2 of this recipe)
500 gm cream cheese
2/3 cup castor sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 eggs, lightly beaten
Cream cheese in a mixer until smooth. add the sugar, essence and continue to beat until smooth. Add the eggs a little at a time until well mixed. Pour batter over the brownie bottom and bake in 170 C oven for 40 -45 minutes or until the top of the cheesecake feels firm and is a lovely golden brown, amber almost. Turn off the oven an allow to cool in the oven with the oven door slightly ajar so that the cheesecake will not crack. (P.Ros used the top heat only during this proses but make sure that the brownie layer is already totally cooked)
Note : I allowed the cake to cool a few hours before removing.
TIP : There is no need for a water bath with this recipe. The cheesecake cooks beautifully without it.
TIP : As I did not want the brownie layer to be over baked I padded a baking tray with some newspapers and placed the cake tin on top.The paper gives the brownie some insulation from the heat so that it does not overcook.
* Untuk hiasanP.Ros gunakan coklate putih dan milk coklate dan hias la sesuka hati.
happy cooking

Happy Birthday to her! Sorry, cant remember her name, nice cake...
ReplyDeleteHappy bday to puteri sulong k.Ros.
ReplyDeletekek bday....air tangan mama tu yg istimewa. nengok bahan2 utk Cappuccino brownie cheesecake ni pasti sedap..